Other posts on this error always include someone trying to $apply without using a safe apply, but that's not the case in my example. My function IS successfully returning the data I requested from the API, but I can't clean this bug and it's driving me nuts. Every time before the .success is called in my $http function I get "Error: [$rootScope:inprog] $digest already in progress" in the console. Below are my controller and service. Thanks!
Here's my service including a function to post an $http call with a payload:
Services.service( 'CoolService', ['$q', '$rootScope', '$http', 'Auth', function($q, $rootScope, $http, Auth){
var service = {
create: function(payload){
var deferred = $q.defer();
'url': '/api/endpoint/',
'method': 'POST',
data: payload
}).success(function(data,status, headers, config){
.error(function(data, status, headers, config){
deferred.reject("Error in request.");
return deferred.promise;
return service;
And here's my controller which calls the service:
controllers.controller('CoolCtrl',['$scope', '$modal', '$log','CoolService', function($scope, $modal, $log, CoolService){
getCoolData = function (input_data) {
new_cool = results.results;
}, function(error){
console.log("there was an error getting new cool data");
var payload = {
user_id: data1,
cool_id: data2,
var new_cool_data = getCoolData(payload);
The log below var new_cool_data gets called before the async operation, but new_cool does get assigned inside the .then statement within getCoolData. Any help getting rid of this bug or making it not crappy in general would be greatly appreciated!
Here's the whole error: https://gist.github.com/thedore17/bcac9aec781ef9ba535b
Add this little method and call it inplace of apply()
function CheckScopeBeforeApply() {
if(!$scope.$$phase) {