I am using flash builder to build a flex project, and I am just getting into mxml
. I have a flash game that I made in Flash Professional CC - I published an swc
file from Flash CC - all of the symbols are exported in 1st frame, and exported for actionscript (in Symbol Properties) - They reside in the same folder as the swc
In Flash Builder 4.6 - I added the swc
file to the library path so that I could access the symbols. Here is my code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<!-- <s:VGroup>
<s:TextArea id="textArea" width="300" height="300"/>
<s:Button label="Connect" click="onConnectClick()"/>
<s:Button label="Send" click="onSendClick()"/>
<s:Button label="Disconnect" click="onDisconnectClick()"/>
</s:VGroup> -->
import Avatar;
import Enemy;
import flash.display.*;
import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON;
import com.hurlant.util.der.Integer;
import io.socket.flash.ISocketIOTransport;
import io.socket.flash.ISocketIOTransportFactory;
import io.socket.flash.SocketIOErrorEvent;
import io.socket.flash.SocketIOEvent;
import io.socket.flash.SocketIOTransportFactory;
import io.socket.flash.WebsocketTransport;
import io.socket.flash.XhrPollingTransport;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.system.Security;
private var _socketIOTransportFactory:ISocketIOTransportFactory = new SocketIOTransportFactory();
private var _ioSocket:ISocketIOTransport;
private function onConnectClick():void
_ioSocket = _socketIOTransportFactory.createSocketIOTransport(XhrPollingTransport.TRANSPORT_TYPE, "localhost:8000/socket.io", this);
_ioSocket.addEventListener(SocketIOEvent.CONNECT, onSocketConnected);
_ioSocket.addEventListener(SocketIOEvent.DISCONNECT, onSocketDisconnected);
_ioSocket.addEventListener(SocketIOEvent.MESSAGE, onSocketMessage);
_ioSocket.addEventListener(SocketIOErrorEvent.CONNECTION_FAULT, onSocketConnectionFault);
_ioSocket.addEventListener(SocketIOErrorEvent.SECURITY_FAULT, onSocketSecurityFault);
private function onSocketConnectionFault(event:SocketIOErrorEvent):void
trace(event.type + ":" + event.text);
private function onSocketSecurityFault(event:SocketIOErrorEvent):void
trace(event.type + ":" + event.text);
private function onDisconnectClick():void
private function onSocketMessage(event:SocketIOEvent):void
if (event.message is String)
private function onSendClick():void
_ioSocket.send({type: "chatMessage", data: "Привет!!!"});
_ioSocket.send({type: "chatMessage", data: "Delirium tremens"});
private function onSocketConnected(event:SocketIOEvent):void
//logMessage("Connected" + event.target);
private function onSocketDisconnected(event:SocketIOEvent):void
//logMessage("Disconnected" + event.target);
/*private function logMessage(message:String):void
textArea.text = textArea.text + message + "\n";
public function init():void {
var enemy:Enemy = new Enemy();
var avatar:Avatar = new Avatar();
var gameTimer:Timer;
avatar.x = mouseX;
avatar.y = mouseY;
gameTimer = new Timer( 25 );
gameTimer.addEventListener( TimerEvent.TIMER, onTick );
function onTick( timerEvent:TimerEvent ):void
avatar.x = mouseX;
avatar.y = mouseY;
var score:int;
if ( avatar.hitTestObject( enemy ) )
score = gameTimer.currentCount;
<s:Group id="myGroup" width="400" height="300" initialize="init();"/>
I have no errors, but it comes up as a blank page (it is a game where there is an avatar and an enemy - and the avatar tries to avoid the enemy as it moves down the screen).
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to embed the swf
file for the game too?
Also - you can ignore all of the socket stuff - that all works fine (I have already tested it, but I am trying to integrate socket.io-flash with my game). Thanks.
Try embedding your SWF file like this:
public var game:Class;
You typically embed a Flex application when you do not require the embedding application to interact with the embedded application. If the embedded application requires interactivity with the embedded application, you might consider implementing it as a custom component, rather than as a separate application.
Otherwise do:
public var loadedSM:SystemManager;
// Initialize variables with information from
// the loaded application.
private function initNestedAppProps():void {
loadedSM = SystemManager(myLoader.content);
<mx:SWFLoader id="myLoader" width="100%" height="100%"
Im not 100% sure this is what you are looking for, and this solution would be a bugger to adapt. Sorry if i couldnt help