Disclaimer: I have never created a data warehouse before. I have read several chapters of Kimball's Data Warehouse Toolkit.
Background: Plant (factory) management team needs to be able to slice and dice production information in various ways, and we want a consistent reporting format across manufacturing plants in our division. Through business analysis, we have concluded that the fact grain is 1 row per process completed. A completed process can either mean "machine" or "assemble." I am calling this the "Production fact".
The questions that the business needs to answer are the following:
My schema includes the following first-level dimensions. I do not have any dimensions beyond the first level, but there are some cross relations between the plant dimension and the part type, shift, and process dimensions.
The non dimensional facts are:
My problem is that more than one employee may have been working the process at the time. So, I am wondering if I need to change my model and how to best represent the employee in the model. We are not trying to house employee information, just their company employee ID. I've considered the following options:
My Question(s)
I'm thinking that option 3 is the most viable option, but I have some reservations. Are there potential watch-outs? Are there other alternatives that I should consider? Is it okay to take the employees who worked on the process out of the fact table?
Thank you for any advice.
I've had time to think about my options, and none of the 4 options listed in my original post are correct. The problem discussed seems to be a classic "coverage" problem; the business needs to know which employees were working which processes at a given time. If we have that information, we will know who worked who was working on a particular part when a given process completed. This would best be represented as a fact-less fact table between an employee dimension and the production process dimension.
This approach helps also helps me to save space and improve querying power because a single employee "coverage" fact will span multiple process production facts.