I need to implement a slt instruction from the MIPS32.
The operation itself is simple. The output is 1 if the input_1 is smaller then the input_2 else is 0.
From the MIPS Specification:
if GPR[rs] < GPR[rt] then
GPR[rd] ← 0(GPRLEN-1) || 1
GPR[rd] ← 0(GPRLEN)
Because i decode the funct in my alu-stage i can directly perform the computation. So far so good, but i dont understand, why vcom does only accept the first option. The second option always produce a "Illegal sequential statement.".
The second question is, if the equation is true, does the output has to be "0...01" or rather "111..111"?
case funct is
--first option
when "101010" => if (signed(s_alu_input_1) < signed(s_alu_input_2)) then
s_alu_result(0) <= '1';
s_alu_result(31 downto 1) <= (others => '0');
s_alu_result <= (others => '0');
end if;
--second option
when "101010" => s_alu_result(0) <= '1' when signed(s_alu_input_1) < signed(s_alu_input_2) else
s_alu_result(31 downto 1) <= (others => '0');
end case;
In VHDL, you are not allowed to use the when
statement in a process
. You need to be using if
This line:
s_alu_result(0) <= '1' when signed(s_alu_input_1) < signed(s_alu_input_2) else
in VHDL can only be used in combinational assignments outside of a process.