So I am in need of replacing string text with autoit using stringreplace
but I need to randomize the output.
An example of what I need is
Stringreplace($string, "and", {also|as well})
My ultimate goal is to randomly replace the text with the following options based on the word "and" with also or as well
I wrote this a long time ago.
It will convert this
My name is {John|Peter|Mark}! {Regards|Cheers|Get lost}!
to something like this
My name is John! Cheers!
It works with line breaks also.
Func SpintaxToTXT($TextWithSpintax)
Dim $lines
$lines = StringSplit($TextWithSpintax, @LF)
For $z = 1 To $lines[0]
If $z > 1 Then $MSGMSG &= @LF
$d = StringSplit($lines[$z], "{}")
For $i = 1 To $d[0]
$MSGSplit = StringSplit($d[$i], "|")
If @error Then
$MSGMSG &= $MSGSplit[1]
$MSGMSG &= $MSGSplit[Random(1, $MSGSplit[0], 1)]
Return $MSGMSG
EndFunc ;==>SpintaxToTXT