I have a category with simple two-level structure like this:
Category #1
- Subcategory
- Subcategory
- ...
Category #2
- Subcategory
- Subcategory
- ...
Currently to filter by subcategories - you have to select top-level category first.
How to show subcategories of all top-level categories in layered navigation filter?
Note: Subcategories should by effected by other selected attribute filter.
While experimenting with Magento files I've found the answer to my question.
Open copied file. And replace _getItemsData
with code below:
* Get data array for building category filter items
* @return array
protected function _getItemsData()
$key = $this->getLayer()->getStateKey().'_SUBCATEGORIES';
$data = $this->getLayer()->getAggregator()->getCacheData($key);
if ($data === null) {
// Get root category
$root_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load(2);
// Get main categories
$data = array();
$main_categories = $root_category->getChildrenCategories();
foreach ($main_categories as $main_category) {
if (!$main_category->getIsActive()) continue; // Ommit inactive
// Get sub categories to list
$sub_categories = $main_category->getChildrenCategories();
// Add count to subcategories
foreach ($sub_categories as $sub_category) {
// Ommit inactive and zero product count sub categories
if ($sub_category->getIsActive() || !$sub_category->getProductCount()) continue;
// Output subcategories
$data[] = array(
'label' => Mage::helper('core')->htmlEscape($sub_category->getName()),
'value' => $sub_category->getId(),
'count' => $sub_category->getProductCount(),
'parent' => $main_category->getName(), // Store parent name to group in template
$tags = $this->getLayer()->getStateTags();
$this->getLayer()->getAggregator()->saveCacheData($data, $key, $tags);
return $data;
You might be interested in rewriting some other functions such as getResetValue
, etc.
I had to rewrite template to group subcategories by main categories.
Result (sorry cant post images directly):
Before: https://i.sstatic.net/skZpi.png