I made this function and it works:
$myHour = "09:09";
$myHour = time_format($myHour);
function time_format($h){
$initial_string = $h;
$new = substr($h,1,strlen($h));
$h = substr($h,0,-4);
if ($h == "0"){
return $new;
return $initial_string;
This function verify it the string looks like: "01:02" and get rid of the first "0", so it will become "1:02" else if it looks like "13:13" it will return "13:13". My question is how to improve my function? or if there exists other better method ? thx
this will be your shortened function, still readable
function time_format($h){
if (substr($h, 0, 1) == "0"){
return substr($h, 1);
return $h;
this would be even shorter
function time_format($h){
return substr($h, 0, 1) == "0" ? substr($h, 1) : $h;
this one is even without the if operators
to read more about it, here is a link.