I'm pretty familiar with the CGridView filter and it's a very customizable stuff. But the life isn't perfect and I need to change the, almost completley the layout of the cgridview. (the features will be the same [filtering,sorting]).
So how should I start this "customisation", how can I extend the look of the CGridView?
FYI I need something like this
It's easy if you open up the class of CGridView
you will see on line 449:
public function renderItems()
if($this->dataProvider->getItemCount()>0 || $this->showTableOnEmpty)
echo "<table class=\"{$this->itemsCssClass}\">\n";
echo $body; // TFOOT must appear before TBODY according to the standard.
echo "</table>";
you basically need to extend the class, put it in a folder that you can access it in extensions, and override methods in this function