I'm using ruby 2.0.0 This is my controller..
@mail_msg = @store_items.where(id: params[:button_id]).first.email_confirmation_text
p "-------------------------"
p @mail msg
p @mail_msg.html_safe
This is my console(terminal) output
"<p>You have purchased Spice It Up. Points have been redeemed from your main account.</p>"
"<p>You have purchased Spice It Up. Points have been redeemed from your main account.</p>"
And what im getting in my console is the same. I cant escape the html tags.
I have this value in my view.. in my view page
<%= @mail_msg.html_safe %>
Still its not working..
Please help
Try these one may will help you
strip_tags("Strip <i>these</i> tags!")
# => Strip these tags!
strip_tags("<b>Bold</b> no more! <a href='more.html'>See more here</a>...")
# => Bold no more! See more here...
strip_tags("<div id='top-bar'>Welcome to my website!</div>")
# => Welcome to my website!enter code here