I have a class that reads parts of a binary file into variables of different types.
class Foo {
size_t getSizeT();
float getFloat();
std::string getString();
std::ifstream stream;
Now I'd like to implement the stream extraction operator as described in this answer.
class Foo {
Foo &operator>>(Foo &foo, size_t &value);
Foo &operator>>(Foo &foo, float &value);
Foo &operator>>(Foo &foo, std::string &value);
std::ifstream stream;
The code fails to compile with this error message: error C2804: binary 'operator >>' has too many parameters
. How to properly override the stream extraction operator? It should distinguish between types and be chainable.
As free function, operator signature should be:
Foo& operator >>(Foo& foo, size_t& value);
As member function (your case), it should be:
Foo& operator >>(size_t& value);