I am heavily using Sublime SFTP's "Monitor file (upload on external save)" feature in combination with CodeKit for a "semi-local" developing workflow (files and git are local, but everything is ran remotely).
Each time CodeKit compiles a file, Sublime SFTP uploads the output to the development web server.
But Sublime SFTP keeps forgetting it's monitoring tasks, it's not very reliable.
Is there another tool that simply watches a file and uploads it on change? Can be command line too.
PS I've been to http://css-tricks.com/deployment/ - there is a Grunt Add-On that would do this. But as I'm using CodeKit, I guess that's not suitable.
Got it.
Having set up ssh set up with ssh-copy-id
, registering a Hook in CodeKit to call scp works.
scp ~/mylocalprojects/path/to/main.css user@server.com:/home/user/public_html/path/to/main.css