Search code examples

Match first table cell, extract the second

I have a table and want to extract data from some data cells.

        <td class="label"> </td>
        <td class="data"><p><a href=""><img src=""/></a></p>
        <td class="label">First game</td>
        <td class="data">Mortal Kombat (1992)</td>
        <td class="label">Created by</td>
        <td class="data">John Tobias</td>
        <td class="label">Orgin</td>
        <td class="data">Earthrealm</td>
        <td class="label">Weapon</td>
        <td class="data">Nunchaku</td>
        <td class="label">Colour</td>
        <td class="data">Red</td>

I would like to extract Nunchaku, this works:


But I would rather like to skip tr[5] and instead use td[contains(., 'Weapon')] but I am unsure how.


  • You need to use following-sibling::

    //td[contains(., 'Weapon')]/following-sibling::td

    Checkout this stack overflow question or read some documentation for more information about following-sibling.