How am I manage to get the Countries in the same row? Is Gridview the wrong way to go? I just want to print out some matches and show the teams, matchtime and matchID...
This is the outcome:
You have to join table Countries
twice with different alias names:
SELECT M.MatchID,M.Matchtime,C1.Country as HomeTeam, C1.CountryID as HomeTeamID, C1.Group_ID as HomeGroupID,C2.Country as AwayTeam, C2.CountryID as AwayTeamID, C2.Group_ID as AwayGroupID
Countries C1 ON M.HomeTeam_ID=C1.CountryID JOIN
Countries C2 ON M.AwayTeam_ID=C2.CountryID
Here Countries
table is joined with alias names C1 and C2.
C1 represents the country details of home team. C2 represents the country details of away team.