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Gulp copying empty directories

In my gulp build I've made a task that runs after all compiling, uglifying and minification has occurred. This task simply copies everything from the src into the dest directory that hasn't been touched/processed by earlier tasks. The little issue I'm having is that this results in empty directories in the dest directory.

Is there a way to tell the gulp.src glob to only include files in the pattern matching (like providing the 'is_file' flag)?



  • Fixed it by adding a filter to the pipeline:

    var es = require('event-stream');
    var onlyDirs = function(es) {
      return, cb) {
          if (file.stat.isFile()) {
            return cb(null, file);
          } else {
            return cb();
    // ...
    var s = gulp.src(globs)
            .pipe(gulp.dest(folders.dest + '/' + module.folder));
    // ...