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Mapping JPA or Hibernate projection query to DTO (Data Transfer Object)

In my DAO layer, I have a Find function like this

public List<?> findCategoryWithSentenceNumber(int offset, int maxRec) {
  Criteria crit = getSession().createCriteria(Category.class, "cate");
    crit.createAlias("cate.sentences", "sent");

    add("title"), "title").
    add(Projections.count(""), "numberOfSentence").


  return crit.list();

So, in order to read the data, I have to use a Loop (with Iterator)

List<?> result = categoryDAO.findCategoryWithSentenceNumber(0, 10);
// List<DQCategoryDTO> dtoList = new ArrayList<>(); 

for (Iterator<?> it = result.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
  Object[] myResult = (Object[]);

  String  title = (String) myResult[0];
  Long count = (Long) myResult[1];

  assertEquals("test", title); 
  assertEquals(1, count.intValue()); 

  // dQCategoryDTO = new DQCategoryDTO();
  // dQCategoryDTO.setTitle(title);
  // dQCategoryDTO.setNumberOfSentence(count);
  // dtoList.add(dQCategoryDTO);


My question is: is there any api, framework to easily convert the List<?> result in to a list of DTO object (say, DQCategoryDTO) without using any loop, iterator and calling setter/getter to fill the value?


  • You can use ResultTransformer which can convert from alias to bean (DTO) properties. For usage you can refer to the Hibernate docs here at section 13.1.5