In my DAO layer, I have a Find function like this
public List<?> findCategoryWithSentenceNumber(int offset, int maxRec) {
Criteria crit = getSession().createCriteria(Category.class, "cate");
crit.createAlias("cate.sentences", "sent");
add("title"), "title").
add(Projections.count(""), "numberOfSentence").
return crit.list();
So, in order to read the data, I have to use a Loop (with Iterator
List<?> result = categoryDAO.findCategoryWithSentenceNumber(0, 10);
// List<DQCategoryDTO> dtoList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Iterator<?> it = result.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Object[] myResult = (Object[]);
String title = (String) myResult[0];
Long count = (Long) myResult[1];
assertEquals("test", title);
assertEquals(1, count.intValue());
// dQCategoryDTO = new DQCategoryDTO();
// dQCategoryDTO.setTitle(title);
// dQCategoryDTO.setNumberOfSentence(count);
// dtoList.add(dQCategoryDTO);
My question is: is there any api, framework to easily convert the List<?> result
in to a list of DTO
object (say, DQCategoryDTO) without using any loop, iterator and calling setter/getter to fill the value?
You can use ResultTransformer which can convert from alias to bean (DTO) properties. For usage you can refer to the Hibernate docs here at section 13.1.5