I have constructed a cairo (v1.12.16) image surface with:
surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, size.width, size.height);
and for 60 fps; cleared it, drew stuff and flushed with:
then, got the resulting canvas with:
unsigned char * data = cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface);
but the resulting data variable was only modified (approximately) every second, not 60 times a second. I got the same (unexpected) result even when using cairo's quartz backend... Are there any flush/refresh rate settings in cairo that I am not (yet) aware of?
Edit: I am just trying to draw some filled (random and/or calculated) rectangles; tested 100 to 10K rects in each frame. All related code is run in the same (display?) thread. I am not caching the 'data' variable. I even modified one corner of it to flicker and I could see flickers in 60fps (for 100 rects) and 2-3 fps (for 10K rects); meaning the 'data' variable returned is not refreshed!? In a different project using cairo's quartz backend, I got the same 1 fps result!??
Edit2: The culprit turned out to be the time()
function; when used in srand(time(NULL))
it was producing the same random variables in the same second; used srand(std::clock())
instead. Thanks to the quick response/reply (and it still answers my question!!)..
No there are no such flush/refresh rate settings. Cairo draws everything you tell it to and then just returns control.
I have two ideas: