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Laravel e function (htmlentities) is not fully working, scripts can still be executed (only once)

I am trying to use the e function in Laravel which is equivalent to the htmlentities PHP function.

In my Form view and Controller I am trying to save a document that uses the e function which looks like this:

Form view:

{{ Form::text('client_name') }}


$client = new Client;
$client->client_name = e(Input::get('client_name'));

Say I wrote <script type="text/javascript">alert('gotcha!');</script> into the client_name field. I then save it to database but when it redirects after it saves to db, it runs this script once! Also just to make sure that the e function was working correctly I looked into my db and it is as expected:

"&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;alert(&#039;gotcha!&#039;);&lt;/script&gt;"

My question is how can I avoid executing that javascript alert('gotcha')??

Or am I putting this e function or the htmlentities function in the wrong place?'



  • You are running the e() at the wrong place. Escaping is best saved for output of data - not the input.

    Your controller should do this:

    $client = new Client;
    $client->client_name = Input::get('client_name');

    Your Form view is ok with the following - because Form "escapes" the data automatically

    {{ Form::text('client_name') }}

    But after you create the client and do the redirect - I bet somewhere you are doing this

    {{ $client->client_name }}

    You should change it to this

    {{{ $client->client_name }}}

    Note the third { } - which will automatically escape the data for you