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Assign multiple keys to same value in array

 $lang = array(
        'thank you'=>'You are welcome',
        'thanks'=>'You are welcome',
        'thank ya'=>'You are welcome'

As you can see this is going to get tiresome writing multiple keys for the same value is there any way I can do.

$lang['thanks']=>$lang['thank ya']=>$lang['thank you']

Just trying to save myself some time here from rewriting a hundred times

PHP class function:

function fetch_key($key, $l,$bool){
    $dynamic = new l18n;
     if($bool == true or is_null($bool)){
        return addslashes( $dynamic->convert($key,$l) );
      return  $dynamic->convert($key,$l);


 $lang = array(
        'thank you'=>'You are welcome',
        'thanks'=>'You are welcome',
        'thank ya'=>'You are welcome',

So I'd need to make it so it adds it to the array and not fill my key values with the same value when in fact they aren't all the exact same. I should have stated this in the beginning


  • You can use array_fill_keys() :

    $keys = array('thank you','thanks','thank ya');
    $lang = array_fill_keys($keys, 'You are welcome');
