So i saw this VHDL code for a testbench for a DFF somewhere and i don't quite get a few things.
1) Why are there 5 cases? Why aren't there just two? when the input is 0 and when it is 1; 2) Why did he pick those waiting periods so randomly? It seems that 12,28,2,10,20 ns seem very randomly chosen. What was the logic behind that?
architecture testbench of dff_tb is
signal T_din: std_logic;
signal T_dclk: std_logic;
signal T_qout: std_logic;
signal T_nqout: std_logic;
component dff
port ( din: in std_logic;
dclk: in std_logic;
qout: out std_logic;
nqout: out std_logic
end component;
dut_dff: dff port map (T_din,T_dclk,T_qout,T_nqout);
T_dclk <= '0';
wait for 5 ns;
T_dclk <= '1';
wait for 5 ns;
end process;
variable err_cnt: integer := 0;
T_din <= '1';
wait for 12 ns;
assert (T_qout='1') report "Error1!" severity error;
-- case 2
T_din <= '0';
wait for 28 ns;
assert (T_qout='0') report "Error2!" severity error;
-- case 3
T_din <= '1';
wait for 2 ns;
assert (T_qout='0') report "Error3!" severity error;
-- case 4
T_din <= '0';
wait for 10 ns;
assert (T_qout='0') report "Error4!" severity error;
-- case 5
T_din <= '1';
wait for 20 ns;
assert (T_qout='1') report "Error5!" severity error;
end process;
end testbench;
In the following the case 1, case 2, through case 5 are represented by named markers A through E:
Case 1 checks to see that T_qout doesn't get updated on the falling edge of T_clk with T_din = '1'. See marker A.
Case 2 (marker B) checks to see T_qout doesn't get updated on the falling edge of T_clk with T_din = '0'.
(And about now you get the impression a student was supposed to do a gate level implementation of dff).
Case 3 (marker C) checks to see if T_qout remains a '0' (an assertion occurs when the condition is False), that the dff is clocked. That a '1' on T_din doesn't cause the output to change.
Case 4 (marker D) checks to see if T_qout remains a '1' the for the opposite value of T_din.
(These all appear to be checking gate level dff implementations).
Case 5 (marker E) appears to be checking the that a Master–slave edge-triggered D flip-flop isn't oscillating or 'relaxing' to the original state.
The testbench appears to be specific to a class assignment for implementing a DFF as a gate level model.
Now the question is, did the instructor cover all possible cases for a student to get it wrong?