I'm not keen on the standard behavior of the Play Games Service to automatically attempt a connection when the app is first launched, so I have disabled this. In my main menu I have a 'display scores' button. What I want to happen when the user presses this button is this:
If the user is connected (logged in), go ahead and display the leaderboard
If the user is not connected, then display the connection dialog. Once connected, display the leaderboard
On the main menu, I will have an extra button "Log out" which will display only if the user is connected / logged in.
When the user clicks the button, I am carrying out the following:
if (buttonPressed()){
//Display connection dialogue and initiate log in
//Check if the user is signed in before continuing
if (getGameHelper.isSignedIn()){
startActivityForResult(Games.Leaderboards.getLeaderboardIntent(getApiClient(), myLeaderBoardID), 1);
If the user isn't connected: The user is presented with a connection dialogue - this works fine. They can then log in. Once they have done this, nothing else happens (the code has moved on and therefore does not display the leaderboard because the user isn't logged in - if I don't have the check to see if the user is signed in here the app would just crash). If the user then presses the button again, it will display the leaderboard.
How can I do all this with just one button press?
What I want is, if the user isn't logged in, to display the log-in dialogue, then as soon as the user has logged in, display the leaderboard. I need to make startActivityForResult wait until the user has completed sign in.
In short
I need to make my code wait until it's connected to Play before attempting to display the Leaderboard.
Any help would be appreciated
You can be notified of successful/failed sign-in as follows:
new GameHelper.GameHelperListener() {
public void onSignInSucceeded() {
// execute code on successful sign-in
// for example, here you could show your leaderboard
public void onSignInFailed() {
// execute code on failed sign-in
You should of course do this before you attempt to sign-in. You can then show your leaderboard when sign-in succeeds. This code should be placed where you create your game helper (i.e. before the buttonPressed() code is executed).
Once this code is in place, you should change your buttonPressed() code to look as follows:
if ( buttonPressed() ) {
// check if user already signed-in and show leaderboard; otherwise do sign-in
if ( getGameHelper.isSignedIn() ) {
startActivityForResult( Games.Leaderboards.getLeaderboardIntent( getApiClient(), myLeaderBoardID ), 1 );
else {
// NOTE: do nothing further here; show the leaderboard in
// the listener's onSignInSucceeded()
One final note: the listener you create will be called for all sign-in operations, so if you need to have this functionality in multiple places (for example, if you want to do the same with achievements) then you will need to use some signal as to what needs to happen on successful sign-in and take the correct action in onSignInSucceeded()
Signalling an action for sign-in success:
Add this code to you class (global scope)
public final static int NO_ACTION = 0;
public final static int SHOW_LEADERBOARD = 1;
public final static int SHOW_ACHIEVEMENTS = 2;
public int signInAction = NO_ACTION;
Next set the action just before signing-in (based on where the sign-in occurs):
if ( buttonPressed() ) {
// check if user already signed-in and show leaderboard; otherwise do sign-in
if ( getGameHelper.isSignedIn() ) {
startActivityForResult( Games.Leaderboards.getLeaderboardIntent( getApiClient(), myLeaderBoardID ), 1 );
else {
// NEW: request leaderboard to be shown upon sign in
// NEW----------------------------------------------
// NOTE: do nothing further here; show the leaderboard in
// the listener's onSignInSucceeded()
And finally change the listener to respond the set sign-in action:
new GameHelper.GameHelperListener() {
public void onSignInSucceeded() {
if ( signInAction == SHOW_LEADERBOARD ) {
// show your leaderboard here
else if ( signInAction == SHOW_ACHIEVEMENTS ) {
// show achievements here
// important! reset the sign-in action so that any subsequent sign-in
// attempts do not re-use the currently set action!
signInAction = NO_ACTION;
public void onSignInFailed() {
// execute code on failed sign-in
// important! it should also be cleared in case of an error
signInAction = NO_ACTION;
Of course, this is just one way to achieve this, but it should work just fine for most purposes. Just be sure to set the signInAction
to the appropriate value before you perform the sign-in - and be sure to clear it when sign-in is complete.