Is there a way to get crash-dumps out of Windows Phone 8 during development time? I am after a file that is dumped similarly to when a normal Win32 app crashes. Or similar to what is saved on iOS devices at crash to be investigated at a later point.
My question is specifically about somehow retrieving this (or similar) file/info from the phone after a crash without me having to do anything in my code e.g. manually writing the stack trace to a file from an unhandled exception.
I am aware the option of getting "live" crash reports from a beta-submitted app but that is not what I am after.
I don't think there is a crash-dump you can access. At least not on WP8. I can't say about 8.1, but I doubt it. Personally, I am using a custom LittleWatson class from this blog post:
Scroll down to 'Out of the box Silverlight" and grab the class. It is already rigged with an email task for sending the crash report if that comes in handy.
This will at least save you the time of writing a crash report saver manually.