I am displaying a map via Leaflet
with R
using the package rCharts
I added some polygons to the map and I want to get some information by clicking on them. So far I managed to get a Popup window to display the features name. I would also like to display some values from R variables, but I dont really know how to pass them over/include them to the JavaScript statement (See code.)
map <- Leaflet$new()
onEachFeature = "#! function(feature, layer){
layer.bindPopup('<b>Name:</b>' + feature.properties.NAME + '<br> <b>Precipitation:</b> INSERT R VARIABLE HERE')
} !#")
I don't see why you can't just paste in the value to that character string. For example
map <- Leaflet$new()
onEachFeature = paste("#! function(feature, layer){",
"layer.bindPopup('<b>Name:</b>' + feature.properties.NAME + '<br> ",
"<b>Precipitation:</b>", varibaleName, "')} !#", sep="")