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Passing temporary istringstream object to istream_iterator<string>

I have a question about the following code that tokenizes a string (separates the tokens by space).

#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main()
    string s="And I feel fine ...";
    istringstream ss(s);
    vector<string> tokens{istream_iterator<string>(ss),{}};
    for(auto& elem: tokens)
        cout << elem << endl;

This works perfectly fine. On the other hand, if I try to pass a temporary istringstream object to istream_iterator (3-rd line inside main), such as

vector<string> tokens{istream_iterator<string>(istringstream(s)),{}};

I am getting a compile-time error error: no matching conversion for functional-style cast from 'istringstream' (aka 'basic_istringstream<char>') to 'istream_iterator<string>'

I believe it is because I cannot bound a temporary rvalue to a non-const lvalue reference, and the constructor of istream_iterator takes a reference as a parameter. Is there any way of constructing an istream_iterator<string> from a temporary? I cannot use std::ref on a temp object either...



  • Use the std::skipw trick:

    std::vector<std::string> tokens{
        std::istream_iterator<std::string>(std::istringstream(s) >> std::skipws), {}

    This works because the extractor returns an lvalue-reference to the stream, and setting std::skipw won't have any effect because it is enabled by default on all streams. To use this in the general case, you would want to have a function that takes a universal reference, then returns a reference to that object:

    template<typename T>
    T& lvalue(T&& x)
        return x;
    // ...

    Make sure the reference isn't being used past the full expression, or else you'll have a dangling reference as the temporary will have already been destructed.