Search code examples

Google Newstand Feed Specifications

I consider uploading articles to the Google Newsstand (, formerly currents). Unfortunately I can't find any specifications on how this (xml) file has to look like.

Some Questions that came to my mind.

  • RSS or Atom?
  • Only short description or full content in the XML file?
  • Does Google consider OpenGraph or markups?
  • Image Tags, full HTML Body, ...?

What is a best practice example for submitting content to Google Newsstand?


  • Unfortunately I couldn't find a proper answer, so I have spent some hours of trial and error, here are my results:

    • Use RSS, it seems to be more widely used than Atom
    • By adding the xmlns:content="" Namespace, you can make use of the content:encoded tag which is recognized by Google Newsstand
    • Google seems to make use of further images on your blog, still not sure about OG or
    • Use an image tag at the beginning of the content:encoded blog, it will be the title image in the App, the OG-Dimensions (1200x630) seem to work just fine

    For further details, please look at the example in blog post:

    (It's written in german, but you should be able to get the XML example ;-))