Search code examples

How do I get specific values from a DOMXPath query?

I am new on DOMXPath but I am trying to learn more. Currently I have a HTML structure like this:

    <span class="1">
        <div class="headerClass">
            Here you have <span class="spanClass1">some text</span>. And here there is <span class="spanClass2">even more text</span>
        <table class="tableClass" id="tableID">
                <td>some text</td>
                <td>some text</td>
                <td>some text</td>
                <td>some text</td>
                <td>some text</td>
                <td><a href="" target="_blank">My Link</a></td>
                <td>some text</td>
                <td>some text</td>
                <td><a href="" target="_blank">My Link</a></td>

    <span class="2">
        <div class="headerClass">
            Here you have <span class="spanClass1">some text</span>. And here there is <span class="spanClass2">even more text</span>
        <table class="tableClass" id="tableID">
                <td>some text</td>
                <td>some text</td>
                <td>some text</td>
                <td>some text</td>
                <td>some text</td>
                <td><a href="" target="_blank">My Link</a></td>
                <td>some text</td>
                <td>some text</td>
                <td><a href="" target="_blank">My Link</a></td>

... and the spans continue: 3, 4, 5 ... etc

To retrieve this HTML code from the source file, I am using this:

$oDomXpath = new DOMXpath($oDom);
$query = "//span[number(@class)=number(@class)]";   
$oDomObject = $oDomXpath->query($query);

foreach ($oDomObject as $oObject) {
    // WHAT GOES HERE????

I need to store in an array the following values:

  1. The plain text of all <div class="headerClass"> without the html tags.
  2. The text of all <span class="spanClass2">
  3. All the url's inside the tables. Tables can have any number of rows from 0 to many.

How can I accomplish this? What would I have to put inside the foreach loop? Do I need to necessarily run another query??

Thank you very much in advance for your help!


  • You have the choice, you can use several XPath queries and obtain values one by one, or you can build an unique XPath query with several paths:

    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
    $xquery = <<<'EOD'
    //span[number(@class)=@class]/@class |
    //span[number(@class)=@class]/div[@class='headerClass'] |
    //span[number(@class)=@class]/div[@class='headerClass']/span[@class='spanClass2'] | 
    $nodes = $xpath->query($xquery);
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
        if ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
                case 'div' : echo '<br/>div content: ' . $node->nodeValue; break;
                case 'span': echo '<br/>span content: ' . $node->nodeValue; break;
                default    : echo '<br/>url: ' . $node->getAttribute('href');
            echo '<br/><br/>number: ' . $node->value;