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fading in/out modal using aui-modal

I'm using YUI and the alloyUI component aui-modal. This works fine but would be much nicer if it faded into view on open and faded out on close. Does anyone know how I can achieve this? Better yet would be to slide down on open and slideOut on close - similar to the jquery twitter Bootstrap modal. here is my code:

<div id="modal"></div>

YUI().use('aui-modal', function(Y) {
var modal = new Y.Modal(
    bodyContent: 'Modal body',
    centered: true,
    headerContent: '<h3>Modal header</h3>',
    modal: true,
    render: '#modal'


  • For easy fadeIn/fadeOut animations, you can simply plug the WidgetAnim plugin to your modal instance. This will by default fade in and out your modal with a duration of 0.2 seconds.

    <div id="modal"></div>
    YUI().use('aui-modal', 'widget-anim', function(Y) {
        var modal = new Y.Modal(
                bodyContent: 'Modal body',
                centered: true,
                headerContent: '<h3>Modal header</h3>',
                modal: true,
                render: '#modal'

    Additionally, you can change the default fade animation using the animShow and animHide attributes (note that you'll need the 'anim' module for this):

                duration: 0.5,
                animHide: new Y.Anim(
                        duration: 0.5,
                        easing: Y.Easing.easeIn,
                        node: modal.get('boundingBox'),
                        to: { xy: [modal.get('boundingBox').getXY()[0], -500] }
                animShow: new Y.Anim(
                        duration: 0.5,
                        easing: Y.Easing.elasticOut,
                        from: { xy: [modal.get('boundingBox').getXY()[0], -500] },
                        node: modal.get('boundingBox'),
                        to: { xy: modal.get('boundingBox').getXY() }