Got a weird one here. JSONStore in Worklight on iOS 7.1 seems to be arbitrarily rejecting some passwords.
Here's the code we are using to initialize the JSONstore:
var bitArray = sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(username + ':'+ password);
var digest_sha256 = (sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(bitArray));
options.username = username
options.password = digest_sha256;
options.localKeyGen = true;
options.clear = false;
collections[this.collection1] = collection1;
collections[this.collection2] = collection2;
collections[this.collection3] = collection3;
WL.JSONStore.init(collections, options).then(function() {
}).fail(function(errorObject) {
I've got a user: ad1tst password: The output of the sha256 hash for this user is b5de1dfbbd09c5f8cf78d858eb4ed09e3b9826f9c35c950d164e8accf7775082
Using this hash as a password, the user can initialize the database.
I've got another user ad2tst password: The output of the sha256 has for this user is 607c04ef944b36ec939d39f7c6b24757776918b8425e5a3b912738d6dea0ebea
Using this hash as a password this user cannot initialize the database.
If the user ad2tst uses the password (which gives a hash of 1feff7f75cfd73fc796d9dd612261b3f72f4292ce76ae3a5e92f7b1dbb2fd038) the user can initialize the database.
This problem is not restricted to just these 2 test users. We have live users that are exhibiting the same problems.
We are getting the following error from the JSONStore runtime:
__33-[JsonStoreQueue setDatabaseKey:]_block_invoke [Line 128] Invalid password
2014-05-16 16:39:26.611 Audits[865:60b] THREAD WARNING: ['StoragePlugin'] took '71.429932' ms. Plugin should use a background thread.
2014-05-16 16:39:26.612 Audits[865:60b] [ERROR] [wl.jsonstore] {"src":"initCollection","err":-3,"msg":"INVALID_KEY_ON_PROVISION","col":"collection1","usr":"ad2tst","doc":{},"res":{}}
The INVALID_KEY_ON_PROVISION error is being generated by the 'provision' method of the JSONStore plugin somewhere deep in the bowels of Worklight's native code.
In follow-on to one attempted answer below; each run of the app is done on a clean install. The test cycle is:
So, this is not a situation where the database is already encrypted with another password.
Invalid key on provision means that you encrypted the store with one password first, then tried to open it with another (wrong) password.
Make sure you are using a different username, or destroying the store first, before trying to use a new password.
If you destroy the store, and then use the other password, it should work with it.