I'm starting a new project, and I am also fairly new to Zend Framework 2. What are your suggestions to generate a pdf from an html code that you want to pass as a variable ($html)? I was reading the web that DOMPDF is pretty good, but I'm not sure how to use it, looking at documentation. What would be the easiest way for a beginner?
Your selection of DOMPDF is right. It's the most easiest to use in Zend Framework 2. Just add a simple module(DOMPDFModule) and you are ready to go. As you are a newbie to Zend Framework 2; here is how to use it.
Add "dino/dompdf-module": "dev-master" to the require section in composer.json file
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.3",
"zendframework/zendframework": "2.2.*",
"dino/dompdf-module": "dev-master"
Now install or update the dependencies using composer. Composer will automatically include the dependencies which we would otherwise include using include("dompdf.php")
php composer.phar install
Next we have to add DOMPDFModule to the modules section in config/application.config.php
'modules' => array(
And we are ready to use it in our project.
Open up the controller in which we are going to generate the PDF and add
use DOMPDFModule\View\Model\PdfModel;
to the top; after the namespace.
namespace Application\Controller;
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;
use DOMPDFModule\View\Model\PdfModel;
Next we have to place the necessary PDF generation code to the required action.
I'm assuming; to download pdf we are using the following route.
For that create a generatepdfAction() method in which we will place the PDF generation logic as follows.
public function generatepdfAction()
$pdf = new PdfModel();
return $pdf;
As most Action in Zend Framework 2; this action will also have a corresponding view file generatepdf.phtml where we actually place the HTML which is to be converted to PDF.
<h1>My Name is Blah</h1>
Now if we go to the route we created; a PDF will be shown in the same window if the browser supports viewing PDF.
It can be done in generatepdfAction() by using the setVariables() method of PdfModel()
public function generatepdfAction()
$pdf = new PdfModel();
'name' => 'John Doe',
return $pdf;
<h1>My Name is <?php echo $this->name; ?></h1>
Setting filename will trigger auto download of the PDF file. A filename can be set using the setOption() method of PdfModel().
public function generatepdfAction()
$pdf = new PdfModel();
$pdf->setOption("filename", "my-file");
return $pdf;
File extension(.pdf) will be added automatically.
Paper size and paper orientation can be set by the paperSize and paperOrientation options
public function generatepdfAction()
$pdf = new PdfModel();
$pdf->setOption("paperSize", "a4"); //Defaults to 8x11
$pdf->setOption("paperOrientation", "landscape"); //Defaults to portrait
return $pdf;
Hope this helps.