I have a 3D triangulated mesh which is similar to a curved piece of paper in that it has a 4 edges and lives in 3-dimensional space. Edges may be different lengths and curve differently, but it could theoretically be continually morphed to look like a piece of paper. A uv coordinate has been assigned to every vertex and the range of u and v is between 0 and 1. Some vertices are obviously on the border. For the bottom border u is in the range [0,1] and v is 0. Top border vertices have u within [0,1] and v = 1. The left and right borders have u = 0 or u = 1 (respectively) with v within [0,1].
Now think about the "isocurve" where u = 0.5. This would be the "line" (or collection of line segments?) from bottom to top of the "middle" of the surface. How would I go about finding that?
Or, let's say I wanted to find the 3D coordinate corresponding to the uv coordinate (0.2,0.7). How would I get there?
I don't want to implement this by putting data through a renderer (OpenGL, etc). I'm sure there must be a standard method. It feels like the inverse of a texture mapping function.
Essentially both of your questions boil down to the same thing: how to convert between UV
and XYZ
This is an interpolation problem. Considering a single triangle in your mesh, you know both the UV
and XYZ
coordinates at the 3 vertices. As such, you have the right amount of data to interpolate X,Y,Z as linear functions of U,V:
X(U,V) = a0 + a1*U + a2*V
Y(U,V) = b0 + b1*U + b2*V
Z(U,V) = c0 + c1*U + c2*V
The problem then becomes how to determine the coefficients ai
. This can be done by solving a set of linear equations based on the given vertex data. For example, the X
coefficients for a given triangle can be found by solving:
[X1] [1 U1 V1] [a0]
[X2] = [1 U2 V2] * [a1]
[X3] [1 U3 V3] [a2]
Once you have all of these coefficients for each triangle in the mesh you can then determine an XYZ
coordinate for any UV
1. Locate the triangle that contains the UV point.
2. Evaluate the X(U,V),Y(U,V),Z(U,V) functions for the given triangle.