This may be more of a search for a term, but solutions are also welcome. I'm looking to create n amount of random x,y coordinates. The issue I am having is that I would like the coordinates to be "weighted" or have more of a chance of falling closer to a specific point. I've created something close by using this pseudo code:
x = rand(100) //random integer between 0 and 100
x = rand(x) //random number between 0 and the previous rand value
//randomize x to positive or negative
//repeat for y
This works to pull objects toward 0,0 - however if you create enough points, you can see a pattern of the x and y axis. This is because the even if x manages to get to 100, the chances are high that y will then be closer to.
I'm looking to avoid the formation of this x,y line. Bonus points if there is a way to throw in multiple "weighted coordinates" that the random coordinates would sort of gravitate to, instead of statically to 0,0.
This is easier in polar coordinates. All you have to do is to generate a uniform random angle and a power distributed distance. Here's an example in Python:
import math
from random import random
def randomPoint(aroundX, aroundY, scale, density):
angle = random()*2*math.pi
x = random()
if x == 0:
x = 0.0000001
distance = scale * (pow(x, -1.0/density) - 1)
return (aroundX + distance * math.sin(angle),
aroundY + distance * math.cos(angle))
Here's the distribution of randomPoint(0, 0, 1, 1)
We can shift it to center around another point like 1,2 with randomPoint(1, 2, 1, 1)
We can spread across a larger area by increasing the scale. Here's randomPoint(0, 0, 3, 1)
And we can change the shape, that is the tendency to flock together, by changing the density. randomPoint(0, 0, 1, 3)