With reXml using Ruby, I have a particular element and I want to completely clear out all its child nodes and text.
I just cannot work out how to do this.
Given this :
I want to delete all the children of oog, to end up with this :
I can get it to delete the nodes using :
blah = REXML::Document.new('<ug><oog>Delete<delete/>all<delete/>this</oog></ug>')
oog = blah.elements['//oog']
oog.elements.delete_all '*'
puts blah.to_s
But this doesnt delete the text, so I still have
Any ideas?
Try doing what you're already doing, then adding :
while node = oog.get_text
oog.delete node
REXML treats text nodes differently from regular Elements for various reasons that I can't remember.