I have the following peace of code of a Satellite
class Satellite
const static int CHIP_SEQ_LENGTH = 1023;
bool chipSequence[CHIP_SEQ_LENGTH];
int id;
Satellite(int id, bool chipSequence[])
this->id = id;
this->chipSequence = chipSequence;
I get an error at
this->chipSequence = chipSequence;
with the following description:
Expression must be a modifiable lvalue.
Now my question is, how to store an array passed by the constructor into a class variable?
Built-in arrays are nasty things that don't behave like most C++ objects. In particular, they aren't assignable.
In modern C++, I'd probably use std::array<bool, CHIP_SEQ_LENGTH>
. This is a proper copyable object type.
If you're stuck in the past, you could make your own copyable wrapper type:
struct ChipSequence {
bool bits[CHIP_SEQ_LENGTH];
or explicitly copy the data:
std::copy(chipSequence, chipSequence+CHIP_SEQ_LENGTH, this->chipSequence);
There are also alternatives like std::bitset
or std::vector<bool>
, which pack the bits to use less memory, if you don't specifically need an array of bool