I have a staging and development environment on the same machine. I would like to configure a different memcached port in ProjectConfiguration.class.php depending on my environment. I imagine its not safe to use $SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] inside of the ProjectConfiguration file because that won't account for tasks run from the command line.
What would be the best way to accomplish what this bit of code intends:
public function configureDoctrine(Doctrine_Manager $manager) {
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'dev.example.com') {
$memcached_port = 11211;
} else {
$memcached_port = 11212;
$servers = array(
'host' => '',
'port' => $memcached_port,
'persistent' => true);
I use http host in the web controller to detect the environment and pass it to the project configuration instance, as per here:
$env = ProjectConfiguration::getEnvironment();
if (!in_array($env, array('dev'))) throw new Exception('Not Allowed');
$configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', $env, true);
This is from a frontend_dev.php - so it also ensures that you can't access the dev controller anywhere but dev.
My project configuration class contains the referenced method, which does the work:
public function getEnvironment() {
if ($_SERVER ['HTTP_HOST'] == 'dev.example.com') {
return 'dev';
} else {
return 'prod';
As you rightly say, there are also command line tasks to consider - but almost all symfony tasks will take --env=xxx arguments. I use those. They all default to dev anyway, which is where I do most of my work, so its not as arduous as it sounds.
I'd then use if (sfConfig::get('sf_environment') == 'dev')
in your if statement, rather than the HTTP_HOST directly, which will work from both cmd line and web.