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Repeatedly Render Dust.js Template with New Data

What would be the best way to go about repeatedly rendering a dust template while having it advance in the data file its referencing rather than just repeat from the start each time. For example:

Say I have a list of 100+ people stored as JSON in a variable called data:

    "people": [
            "name": "Jerry",
            "age": "17"
            "name": "Darcy",
            "age": "19"
            "name": "Jacob",
            "age": "25"
        ... and so on for 100 or so people

And I have this file that exports a row of three names/ages:

<div class="row">
    <div>{name} - {age}</div>
    <div>{name} - {age}</div>
    <div>{name} - {age}</div>

Which I precompile into template.js:

(function(){dust.register("",body_0);function body_0(chk,ctx){return chk.write("<div class=\"row\"><div>").reference(ctx.get(["name"], false),ctx,"h").write(" - ").reference(ctx.get(["age"], false),ctx,"h").write("</div><div>").reference(ctx.get(["name"], false),ctx,"h").write(" - ").reference(ctx.get(["age"], false),ctx,"h").write("</div><div>").reference(ctx.get(["name"], false),ctx,"h").write(" - ").reference(ctx.get(["age"], false),ctx,"h").write("</div></div>");}return body_0;})();

Then I have an index.html file that looks like:


        <div id="people"></div>

        <button id="load-more" type="button">Load More</button>

    <script src="js/dust-core.min.js"></script>
    <script src="js/template.js"></script>

What would be the best way to have it so each time the button is clicked, a row of three people would be appended inside the <div id="people"></div>, and each subsequent click would load the next three / test for the end of the data array (can assume the number of people is always a multiple of three for my needs).


  • Change to:

    <div class="row">
            <div>{.name} - {.age}</div>

    There are 2 benefits to changing the template:

    • You can pass in any number of people objects, not just 3.
    • If you only have 2 elements left in the array, it will still render correctly.

    JavaScript to perform the rendering:

    $('#load-more').on('click', function(){
        var next3 = data.people.splice(0, 3);
        if(next3.length == 0){
            return; // Array is empty
        dust.render('', next3, function(err, str){

    The most important part is data.people.splice(0, 3), this removes 3 elements from the array and returns them - See Array.prototype.splice().

    The rest of the code is just JQuery to add an event listener and insert the rendered template.
