I have this SQL-query:
SELECT DISTINCT c.id, c.name
_rel_cars_categories rcc ON c.id=rcc.car_id
WHERE (rcc.category_id=33 AND rcc.category_id=51)
AND c.status >=10
The tables:
Unfortunally, it returns 0 results. When I replace AND whith OR, it works fine, but I want to get all that ar in both of these categories. It also can be 3, 4, 5... categories. How can I get the right result?
To select cars which have both 33 and 51 as category_id, try this:
SELECT c.id, c.name
FROM cars c JOIN
_rel_cars_categories rcc ON c.id=rcc.car_id
WHERE rcc.category_id IN (33,51) AND c.status >=10
GROUP BY c.name
HAVING count( distinct rcc.category_id ) = 2