I've been facing a problem this morning and simply couldn't solve. I'm trying to send a reply message from a TIdCmdTCPServer to a TIdTCPClient, but I'm getting '?' characters where the message shows non-ANSCII characters. I found out that Indy uses ASCII encoding and tried to change it, to no result. Here's the code:
uses IdIOHandler, IdGlobal;
procedure TDMSocket.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
TIdIOHandler.DefStringEncoding:= TIdTextEncoding.UTF8;
procedure TDMSocket.IdCmdTCPServerLoginCommand(ASender: TIdCommand);
InformaErros('Usuário ou senha inválidos', ASender);
procedure TDMSocket.InformaErros(Erro: string; ASender: TIdCommand);
ASender.Reply.Text.Text:= Erro;
This way, I get the following error:
Property 'DefStringEncoding' Inacessible Here
Trying to access DefStringEncoding on the IOHandler porperty of IdCmdTCPServer raises the same error. And I didn't get any success with GIdDefaultAnsiEncoding.
What can I do to send the message with the right characters?
is not a class property, which is why you cannot access it via the TIdIOHandler
class type like you attempted to do. It is an instance property instead, so you need a pointer to an instance of a TIdIOHandler
In the OnCommand
events, you can reach the TIdIOHandler
object via the TIdCommand.Context.Connection.IOHandler
If all of your commands and replies will use UTF-8 then it would be better to set DefStringEncoding
one time when a client connects to the server. You can do that in the OnConnect
event via the TIdContext.Connection.IOHandler
As for GIdDefaultAnsiEncoding
, TIdIOHandler
only uses it when DefStringEncoding
is nil, which it is not by default (there is a TODO item to make TIdIOHandler
use GIdDefaultAnsiEncoding
when initializing DefStringEncoding