I', using IPP java QBO ApiV3. I able to read and query customer via API Explorer, IPP Playground and my Java app.
I can not create customer (or update existing one) via IPP Playground and my Java App. However, I am able to create and update via API Explorer. I am confused that I am getting different errors in IPP Playground (500 - Internal server error.) and Java app (message=Exception authenticating OAuth; errorCode=003200).
Authentication part is same as in method that reads Customer. In addition I only attach the Request Body (same as in API Explorer) to the request.
Java Code:
OAuthConsumer consumer = new DefaultOAuthConsumer(consumerKey, consumerSecret);
consumer.setTokenWithSecret(accessToken, accessTokenSecret);
String signedUrl = consumer.sign(custUrl);
URL url = new URL(signedUrl);
String requestBody = " <Customer xmlns=\"http://schema.intuit.com/finance/v3\" domain=\"QBO\" sparse=\"false\">"+
" <FamilyName>Customer Two</FamilyName>"+
" <DisplayName>Second Customer</DisplayName>"
" </Customer>";
HttpURLConnection urlConn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
// add Request Header
urlConn.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/xml");
urlConn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(requestBody.getBytes().length));
urlConn.setRequestProperty("Host", "qb.sbfinance.intuit.com");
urlConn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflat");
urlConn.setRequestProperty("charset", "utf-8");
OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(urlConn.getOutputStream());
Any idea how to resolve this?
All these concerns are already handled by JAVA devkit.
Re - your code Accept should be 'application/xml'
But devkit is always the recommended approach.