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Pyramid json view ajax call

I have never really worked with ajax before, so would you please be elaborate in your answers..

I have a Pyramid application where I want to load information via ajax because pre-loading it would not be feasible. So I want to load the information I need through a pyramid view, but I am unsure how to do this.
The information I need to fetch is in a MySQL database, so I guess I need to import the mouse click event object ajax_id into in order to do the query. (I can get ajax_id without a problem)

In my I have:

def info_ajax(self):

    #for the sake of this example, lets just return the information from the mouse click event
    A = ajax_id      #is the id of the mouse click event
    B = ajax_name    #is the name of the mouse click event

    return {
                'a' : A,
                'b' : B,

What I would usually do is to preload all information, but that would take to long in this case, so I cannot just make a list of MySQL queries in and then do <script>window.coords = ${a|query_list};</script> in my .mak file.

I want to import a and b in my JavaScript code as variables, so that I can use them again without having to reload them if need be. How do I go about doing this?


  • So I figured out how to do it:

    in pyramid

    def info_ajax(self):
        #for the sake of this example, lets just return the information from the mouse click event
        A = self.request.POST.get('ajax_id')    #is the id of the mouse click event
        B = self.request.POST.get('ajax_name')   #is the name of the mouse click event
        return {
                    'ID' : A,
                    'Name' : B,

    and in JS:

            type: "POST",
            url: "details",
            dataType: "json",
            data: {
                'ajax_id': iID,
                'ajax_name': sName,
            success: function(data) {
                    iReturned_value = data.ID;