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How to change layout definition runtime in TileRequestProcessor

I have a scenario, When request comes from IE browser then show login (which is default behaviour) and when it comes from Chrome browser then show login_chrome (Layout definition is in Tiles.xml like below)

<definition name="login" path="/login/login1.jsp"></definition>
<definition name="login_chrome" path="/login/login2.jsp"></definition>

And I have CustomizedTileProcessor

    public class CustomizedTileProcessor extends TilesRequestProcessor
   protected boolean processTilesDefinition(String pDefinitionName, boolean pContextRelative, HttpServletRequest pRequest, HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws IOException, ServletException
      if (isChromeBrowser(pRequest))
      return super.processTilesDefinition(pDefinitionName, true, pRequest, pResponse);

Note : I don't want to put logic in JSP to select included JSPs as per condition.

Please help me and tell me which method of TilesRequestProcessor to override to change tile definition dynamically?


  • After doing lot trial and error I got to know that I have to override processForwardConfig method of TilesRequestProcessor. And there I have to override the value of path value of ForwardConfig object to my new layout i.e. login_chrome.

    Please see below code :

    public class CustomizedTileProcessor extends TilesRequestProcessor
     protected void processForwardConfig(HttpServletRequest pRequest, 
           HttpServletResponse pResponse, ForwardConfig pForward) 
           throws IOException, ServletException
             ForwardConfig newForward = new ForwardConfig(pForward.getName(),
             pForward.getPath()+"_chrome", pForward.getRedirect(),
             super.processForwardConfig(pRequest, pResponse, newForward);
             super.processForwardConfig(pRequest, pResponse, pForward);