Boost::GIL has almost perfect tutorial and manual. I find it troublesome to lack guide on building and using Boost::GIL work with PNG & JPEG IO. Does anyone have experience or have successfully did that? Please kindly advise! Thanks!
Answer lies here:
I have used GIL successfully with JPEG.
I assume that you have downloaded and included the boost::gil headers.
The jpeg library is NOT included in the boost library.
The simplest thing is to include and link to one of the many copies of the jpeg library that are distributed. I use the one with wxWidgets ( wxWidgets-2.8.10\src\jpeg ). If you search your disk for the file jconfig.h, you should find a configured and built jpeg library that will work for you.
You can download the jpeg library source from but then you will have to configure it for your platform and build it.