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Splitting a line drawn with loess into two parts in R

I am trying to make a line of best fit in R with the command loess, but the problem is that it should exist of two parts, while my data is only one vector...

so I have this command first:

x = 1:generaties
CI.up = as.numeric(gemiddelde)+as.numeric(ci)
CI.dn = as.numeric(gemiddelde)-as.numeric(ci)
plot(gemiddelde~x, cex=0.5,xaxt='n',ylim=c(0,1.1), xlab='Populatie(a = 100, size = 500, n = 15, tau = 10, c = 50, sigma = 0.5, phenoNumber = 5)',ylab='Fitness', main='Fitness over  generaties',col='blue',pch=16)
axis(1, at=x)

Which gives me a graph

And then I tried adding:

x1 = 1:(generaties/2)
x2 = (generaties/2):generaties
lo1 <- loess(gemiddelde[1:(generaties/2)]~x1)
lo2 <- loess(gemiddelde[(generaties/2):generaties]~x2)
lines(predict(lo1), col='red', lwd=2)
lines(predict(lo2), col='red', lwd=2)

But then I R starts both lines from 0 instead of the second one from half way my graph.

What can I do about this?


  • You're nearly there I think - just need to specify some x values for the lines() commands. Hopefully the data I've created is representative enough of yours:

    #Make up some data
    generaties <- 20
    gemiddelde <- 0.5+0.2*sin(1:generaties)
    ci <- runif(generaties)*0.3
    #your plot
    x = 1:generaties
    CI.up = as.numeric(gemiddelde)+as.numeric(ci)
    CI.dn = as.numeric(gemiddelde)-as.numeric(ci)
    plot(gemiddelde~x, cex=0.5,xaxt='n',ylim=c(0,1.1), xlab='Populatie(a = 100, size = 500, n = 15, tau = 10, c = 50, sigma = 0.5, phenoNumber = 5)',ylab='Fitness', main='Fitness over  generaties',col='blue',pch=16)
    axis(1, at=x)
    #Adding the loess smoother
    x1 = 1:(generaties/2)
    x2 = (generaties/2):generaties
    lo1 <- loess(gemiddelde[1:(generaties/2)]~x1)
    lo2 <- loess(gemiddelde[(generaties/2):generaties]~x2)
    lines(x1,predict(lo1), col='red', lwd=2)  #specify x values
    lines(x2,predict(lo2), col='red', lwd=2)  #specify x values