I'm having some trouble in optimizing some posgresql queries. For example, this one seams to be the slowest:
select st_astext(geom), 'all' as type
from (
select ST_Simplify(ST_Intersection(ST_MakePolygon(ST_GeomFromText(? ,4326)), st_transform(way, 4326)), ?) as geom
from planet_osm_polygon
where (sT_Intersects(ST_MakePolygon(ST_GeomFromText(?,4326)), st_transform(way,4326))=true)
and ('natural' IN ('water', 'pond') OR waterway IN ('basin', 'canal', 'mill_pond', 'pond', 'riverbank', 'stream'))
) AS subquery";
First thing i did was editing the conf file and changing buffer sizes, and i got few percent less in total time spent.
Next thing I did was creating new tables from existing tables and breaking multipolygons into polygons. That speeded up most of the querys from 70-90%. However, the slowest 3 queries didnt speed up more than a few percent.
By examining the searches using EXPLAIN and ANALYZE, i realized that indexes are not used. What is used is seqscan even if i disable it. As far as i know this means that i should make a new index.
In the table planet_osm_polygon i have two indexes:
CREATE INDEX planet_osm_polygon_index_poly
ON planet_osm_polygon_poly
USING gist (way);
CREATE INDEX planet_osm_polygon_poly_pkey
ON planet_osm_polygon_poly
USING btree (osm_id);
Any ideas how to speed up this query and why aren't the indexes being used?
This is very new to me, and if something i wrote doesn't make sense, just ignore it :)
Indexes could potentially be used with ST_Intersects in the WHERE part, except they are not because a function is used on the data, namely st_transform(way,4326)
. Your options are to avoid the function (perform an interesction query within the native projection, which will yield different answers), or to add an index using the function (although I'm not 100% certain that this would work with ST_Intersects).
Lastly, two points. SELECT 'natural' IN ('water', 'pond');
is always false. And SELECT true=true
is true, so any boolean operator like ST_Intersects(g1, g2)=true
is logically valid, but is aesthetically redundant. Just use ST_Intersects(g1, g2)
without the "equals true" part.