Is there a way to access an attribute of specific object from list of objects.
I've a List of Labs and each Lab object has multiple attributes. Using tag, can we access value of attribute1 of Lab1 object from the list of labs?
Let's say: one of my Lab
object has an attribute called labname
with value "BP" and another lab object has labname
of "A1c".
Now, if I want to access the labvalue
attribute of lab object with labname
as "BP" how do I achieve it?
If you don't want to use a Map, that's easier, then you can exploit the OGNL's List Selection feature:
Selecting From Collections
OGNL provides a simple way to use an expression to choose some elements from a collection and save the results in a new collection. We call this "selection," from the database term for choosing a subset of rows from a table. For example, this expression:
listeners.{? #this instanceof ActionListener}
returns a list of all those listeners that are instances of the ActionListener class.
Then in the case you described, if you want to filter only the element of the list with the labname
attribute equals to "BP" it would be:
labvalue attribute for the (first, if any) laboratory with labname="BP" is :
<s:property value="labsList.{^ #this.labname == 'BP' }[0].labvalue" />
with no need of iterators at all.
You can also iterate a projected / selected list, btw ;)
All labvalue attributes for all the laboratories with labname="BP" are :
<s:iterator value="labsList.{? #this.labname == 'BP' }" >
<s:property value="labvalue" />