I am using Worklight 6.1 and am using a challange handler to determine if my user is logged or not.
Once logged in, I have the following code attached to my logout button in my app:
on(logoutBtn, "click", lang.hitch(this, function() {
WL.Client.logout('AdapterAuthRealm', { onSuccess:lang.hitch(this, function() {
}), onFailure:lang.hitch(this, function() {
WL.Logger.error("Unable to logout");
return false;
Clicking it opens the login view, but when the user tries to login again, the following error is shown:
"Cannot change identity of an already logged in user in realm 'AdapterAuthRealm'.
The application must logout first."`
According to the following SO question: Worklight: WL.Server.setActiveUser - Cann't modify - Illegal State: Cannot change identity
I will first have to clear the active user before setting a new one:
WL.Server.setActiveUser("AdapterAuthRealm", null);
I actually expected WL.Client.logout to do this automaticly, but doing so myself in my onLogout function in my adapter does not seem to have any effect:
<realm loginModule="NonValidatingLoginModule" name="AdapterAuthRealm">
<parameter name="login-function" value="PortalAdapter.onAuthRequired"/>
<parameter name="logout-function" value="PortalAdapter.onLogout"/>
function onLogout() {
WL.Logger.info("invoke logout request");
WL.Server.setActiveUser("AdapterAuthRealm", null);
var input = {
method : 'get',
returnedContentType : 'text/plain',
path : '/logoutUrl'
Adding it to my login function in my adapter as follows:
var userIdentity = { userId: username, displayName: username, attributes: {}};
WL.Server.setActiveUser("AdapterAuthRealm", null);
WL.Server.setActiveUser("AdapterAuthRealm", userIdentity);
Results in an infenite loop of login / logout requests of my app.
My questions:
you can add the WL.Server.setActiveUser("AdapterAuthRealm",null);
to the onLogout() procedure in adapter
<realm loginModule="loginModule" name="AdapterAuthRealm">
<parameter name="login-function" value="LoginAdapter.onAuthRequired"/>
<parameter name="logout-function" value="LoginAdapter.onLogout"/>
2 Yes. you can use WL.Client.Logout();` when using challenge handler