The function not in XACML asks for a boolean argument. However, I want to express a policy like "not string" such as "not male". I can't use "not gender == male" to instead that. I searched google and stackoverflow, but I failed to solve this problem. How could I do that?
When you send a XACML request, you always send a set of attributes with one or more values. You would either send:
Either way you still send an attribute. In one case the value is a string. In the other the value is a string. In the explanation below, I take the string approach. If you want the boolean approach, just replace gender=="male" with male.
Note that in XACML, attributes may possibly not have a value. This makes XACML booleans more than just boolean. Male could be true, false, or undefined. Keep that in mind when you write a policy / rule.
To express negative conditions e.g. not(gender==male), you have two options:
In the former case you can write the following (pseudo-code in ALFA):
policy checkGender{
apply firstApplicable
rule male{
target clause gender=="male"
rule female{
target clause gender=="female"
* Optionally add a catch all case
rule other{
target clause ... // Here you'd have to define other checks you are interested in
In the latter case, you need to write a negative condition. To do that you need to use a XACML condition. Since XACML conditions only live inside rules, you need to go down to the XACML Rule level.
policy checkGender{
apply firstApplicable
rule notMale{
condition not(gender=="male")