I am trying to sqoop data in to hive table from mysql db in apache cloudera .
Below is the sqoop query that i am executing: sqoop import --connect jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test --username admin --password admin --incremental append --check-column sale_id --last-value 0 --query 'SELECT s.sale_id,c.cust_id,c.state,s.qty FROM customer c JOIN sales s on c.cust_id = s.cust_id WHERE $CONDITIONS' --split-by s.sale_id --hive-import --hive-table sales --target-dir /user/cloudera/sales_products --hive-delims-replacement '/t'
Query works fine when I execute it from command prompt/console. However when I am trying to execute same by HUE UI job designer I am getting below error: Error parsing arguments for import
I think it is because of $CONDITIONS argument.
Can you please let me know if it is possible to execute the same query using Hue and how it is feasible.
Thanks in advance,
Hue will submit this script through Oozie Sqoop Action. It has a particular way to specify the arguments.
Hue also comes with a built in Sqoop example that you could try to modify with your import.