I'm using Dropnet library to communicate with Dropbox.
After I accept the first time that my account allows my APP I save the token and secret forn next time I can process whatever I want without asking the user again.
But after I do this code:
client.UserLogin = New UserLogin()
client.UserLogin.Token = dropboxAtoken
client.UserLogin.Secret = dropboxAsecret
Dim accountInfo As AccountInfo = client.AccountInfo()
' More of my code
Catch ex As DropNet.Exceptions.DropboxException
End Try
I receive this error:
{"error": "Parameter not found: oauth_token"}
Can anyone help please.
You should use the overload on the DropNetClient constructor that takes both API keys and User tokens that way it will get correctly wired up.
Or create the instance of the UserLogin first then set it on the client. See the code for the setter of that parameter wires it up when setting it: https://github.com/DropNet/DropNet/blob/master/DropNet/Client/Client.cs#L32