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RESTful API: Where should I code my workflow?

I am developing a RESTful API. This is my first API, but also my first really big coding project. As such, I'm still learning a lot about architecture etc.

Currently, I have my api setup in the following layers:

  • HTTP Layer
  • Resource Layer
  • Domain Model / Business Logic Layer
  • Data Access / Repository Layer
  • Persistent Storage / DB Layer

The issue I have run into at the moment is where do I need to put workflow objects / managers? By workflows, I mean code that evaluates what next step is required by the end user. For example, an e-commerce workflow. User adds item to basket, then checks out, then fills in personal details, then pays. The workflow would be responsible for deciding what steps are next, but also what steps are NOT allowed. For example, a user couldn't cause errors in the API by trying to pay before they have entered personal details (maybe they recall the URI for payments and try to skip a step). The workflow would check to see that all previous steps had been completed, if not, would not allow payment.

Currently, my workflow logic is in the Resource Layer. I am using hypermedia links to present the workflow to the user e.g. providing a 'next step' link. The problem I have with this is that the resource layer is a top level layer, and more aligned with presentation. I feel it needs to know too much about the underlying domain model to effectively evaluate a workflow i.e. it would need to know it has to check the personal_details entity before allowing payment.

This now leads me to thinking that workflows belong in the domain model. This does make a lot more sense, as really workflows are part of the business logic and I think are therefore best placed in the domain layer. After all, replace the Resource Layer with something else, and you would still need the underlying workflows.

But now the problem is that workflows required knowledge of several domain objects to complete their logic. It now feels right that it maybe goes in its own layer? Between Resource and Domain Layer?

  • HTTP Layer
  • Resource Layer
  • Workflow Layer
  • Domain Model / Business Logic Layer
  • Data Access / Repository Layer
  • Persistent Storage / DB Layer

Im just wondering if anyone had any other views or thoughts around this? As I said, I have no past application experience to know where workflows should be placed. Im really just learning this for the first time so want to make sure I'm going about it the right way.

Links to articles or blogs that cover this would be greatly appreciated. Love reading up on different implementations.


To clarify, I release that HATEOAS allows the client to navigate through the 'workflow', but there must be something in my API that knows what links to show i.e. it is really defining the workflow that is allowed. It presents workflow related links in the resource, but additionally it validates requests are in sync with the workflow. Whilst I agree that a client will probably only follow the links provided in the resource, the danger (and beauty) of rest, is that its URI driven, so there is nothing stopping a mischievous client trying to 'skip' steps in the workflow by making an educated guess at the URI. The API needs to spot this and return a 302 response.


  • The answer to this question has taken me a fair bit of research, but basically the 'workflow' part has nothing to do with REST at all and more to do with the application layer.

    My system was had the application logic and REST API too tightly coupled. I solved my problem by refactoring to reduce the coupling and now the workflow lives within the context of the application