My ping to the AWS instance is on the level of 50ms and cat'ing files through the ssh takes way less than second, but when I mount directory using sshfs and open it using SublimeText3/Gedit lags are greater than 10 seconds. 1. Is there anything I could do to reduce those lags? 2. Why it works like that? 3. Are some better tools for remote file editing?
My ssh config:
Host myinstance
HostName ********
User ec2-user
IdentityFile ~/idfile
Compression no
Ciphers arcfour
ServerAliveInterval 15
As a first step, I'd suggest adding this line to your settings (Preferences -> Settings-User
"atomic_save": false
and see if that does the trick. My answer to this question has some more details behind why this works, but basically what Sublime is doing with atomic_save
enabled is creating new temp files and deleting the original file, then renaming the temp back to the original's name. This leads to a very significant increase in traffic over the connection, and if the server on the other side of the pipe is a little bit laggy anyway, it can really slow down Sublime.