I have an ARM embedded processor that talks to a .net WCF SOA (SOAP) web service application. The ARM device is remotely located and web service is hosted in a WS2k8 cloud server. I am having some protocol issues with the ARM code and would like to run Fiddler on my WS2k8 machine to observer the SOAP exchange between the embedded device and the web service application. I installed Fiddler Web Debugger V4.4.8 on the server but it does not capture any http requests. I know the ARM device is talking to my web services as it responds to several good SOAP exchanges. Anyone know how to set up Fiddler to work in the configuration I have explained?
Best Regards, Steve Mansfield
Fiddler is a proxy, it captures any requests sent to it. If your ARM device supports a proxy, then point its proxy settings at the Fiddler endpoint on the Windows Server, port 8888. Also tick Allow Remote Clients to Connect
in the Tools > Fiddler Options > Connections tab, and restart Fiddler.
If the client doesn't support configuring a proxy, you need to Use Fiddler as a Reverse Proxy.